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2014 SIM District One Meeting
Hampton Inn, Staten Island, NY - October 19, 2014
(click on image to enlarge)
Ladies of SIM
Back: Peggy, Lenore, Leonia, Linda, Kathy Angelina Front: Fran, Dee Eileen, Margaret & Toni
l-r Toni Aiello, NAR District I Secretary; Fran Gilstein, SIM Vice-President/President-Elect; Angelina Akhvlediani, SIM President
Butsy McElroy, NAR Governor & Fran
Fran & Kathy
L-R: Catherine O’Brien (SI of Staten Island), Fran Gilstein (SI Manhattan), Joanie Galestro (SI of Staten Island), NAR Governor Butsy McElroy and Jennifer Goody, SI Huntington participating in a round of "Let Us Entertain You"
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